Friday 19 April 2013

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Djohar Tsarnaev, is suspected by Boston police

Djohar Tsarnaev

One of the suspects allegedly called Djohar Tsarnaev, he managed to escape

Boston police established the identity of the two suspects in the terrorist attack during the marathon. One of them is called Johar Tsarnaev. According to media reports, he is a native of Russia , from a region close to Chechnya. "
Both suspects lived in the U.S. for at least one year. A number of U.S. media there were suggestions that the two suspects - the Chechens.
Survivor suspect named Johar Tcarnaev, he's 19 years old. He lived in the neighboring town of Boston in Cambridge, where the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There was killed by a police officer.
According to the American TV channel NBC, the suspects - brothers. From injuries allegedly died Tsarnaev 20-year-old , who also resided legally in the United States.
In the social network "VKontakte" is a page Johar Tsarnaeva . As the city of residence there Set Boston. It also states that Tsarnaev studied in Makhachkala. The last time he went to the network today, at 05.04, with a mobile device.

No official confirmation of this information is not available. Earlier it was reported that one of the suspects in terrorist was killed by the police .

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