Saturday 5 October 2013

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

Studying abroad isn’t all fun and games.If you can survive a semester in Europe, you can survive anything.

1. Filling out the paperwork beforehand

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
So. Many. Forms.

2. Trying to understand foreign languages

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
It doesn’t make any sense!

3. Packing

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
50 lb. weight limit? HA!

4. Hang-drying your clothes

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
What is this, Colonial Williamsburg?

5. Figuring out a phone plan

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

6. Good luck watching your favorite TV shows

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
The struggle is real.

7. Having to pay to use the bathroom

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
But you have to go SO bad.

8. Men cat-calling you on the street

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

9. The bread on the table: NOT FREE

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
But you eat it anyway.

10. Flying on budget airlines

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
Do these planes even fly?

11. Trying to figure out the metro system

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

12. As an American, you stick out like a sore thumb

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
You’re not in Kansas anymore.

13. The exchange rate sucks

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
Your wallet is going to HATE you.

14. Trying to care about the “study” part

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
Classes? What classes?

15. No peanut butter

No peanut butter
Sometimes Nutella just isn’t going to cut it.

16. Sightseeing while hungover

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
The worst.

17. Realizing what a bidet is

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

18. Trying to run errands during siesta

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
Not gonna happen.

19. Walking on cobblestone

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
Have a nice trip, see you next fall!

20. Travelling is exhausting

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

21. When public transportation workers go on strike

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

22. Walking through tourist groups

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe

23. Realizing despite all this, you’re going to miss it when you’re done.

The 23 Worst Parts Of Studying Abroad In Europe
Best. Semester. EVER.

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